Importance of Preparedness
We all have a role to play in emergency preparedness:
Your local government is focused on delivering essential services
Residents and businesses must also take steps to make sure they are prepared in the event of an emergency
If we take some very simple steps, then collectively we’ll be in a better position to manage the impact of an emergency.
Preparedness Program
How easy is it for you to be ready
There are seven (7) steps to be prepared
We can’t predict the future, but we can prepare for it
Emergencies can happen anywhere and at any time
You need to be ready to take care of yourself and those around you
Your best protection in any emergency is knowing what to do
Before you begin your personal emergency plan GET INFORMED
Consider the possible emergency situations or potential hazards
Which hazards could affect you, your family, your neighborhood, your community
Consider your neighbors. If they are elderly or disabled, they may need your help in an emergency.

There are always obstacles
“It can’t happen here”
“They must have everything under control”
“We can’t afford to do that”
“There are a lot of emergencies, you just can’t prepare for”
You're communities top risks are constantly being evaluated by you Community Emergency Management Coordinator

Seven Essential Steps to Completing a Preparedness Program
Create an emergency communications plan
Establish a meeting place
Assemble an emergency preparedness kit
Learn about your community emergency plans
Learn about your children’s school emergency plans
Learn basic first aid
Know how and when to evacuate your house or the area
Step 1: Communications Plan
Choose an out-of-town contact who won’t be affected by the emergency
Make sure everyone in you home has the contact information
Provide emergency contact numbers to your children’s schools and your workplace
Limit telephone use in an emergency
Step 2: Designate a Meeting Place
Establish a meeting place away from home in case you can’t return home due to evacuation
Include arrangements for pets in your plans
Make sure the location will accept pets.
Step 3. Emergency Preparedness Kit

Basic Emergency Kit
Includes basic supplies and a first aid kit
Hydration & Nutrition
Adequate supplies for at least 72 hours
Emergency Car Kit
Paper maps, blankets, food, flashlight
Important Family Documents
Passports, birth certificates, health cards, prescriptions
Special Needs Kit
Infants, seniors and persons with disabilities
Step 4: Your Community
Learn about community emergency plans
Who do you call and what do you ask
Record and post emergency numbers - 3-1-1, 9-1-1, 2-1-1
Learn about workplace emergency plans
Step 5: Schools, Daycares, Residences
Check on the emergency plan of your children’s schools or daycare and your parents seniors residence
Their evacuation or shelter-in-place plan
Their communication plan
Their expectations on families
Step 6: Basic First Aid

Knowing first aid and CPR is crucial for emergency preparedness
Always tend to your own well being first, then help others
Is it safe to enter into the environment
Step 7: Emergency Evacuation

Know how & when to evacuate
Who makes the decision
Where are you going
What should you bring
What is the transportation route or means
Impacts of an Emergency
Critical Utilities – water, gas, electricity
Health Services – medical devices, hospitals, prescriptions
Pets – leave or take, supplies, acceptance
Fuel Supply – gasoline, propane, diesel
Useful Links
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