The Independent First Nations Alliance (IFNA), a First Nations-led Tribal Council, supports various communities including Muskrat Dam First Nation, Lac Seul First Nation, Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug, Whitesand First Nation, and Pikangikum First Nation through capacity building and advisory services.
IFNA just released its February 2023 newsletter highlighting the great work of community members and various initiatives that have taken place. Highlights include:
First-Ever First Responders Class
Home Away Program
Environmental Public Health Program
Feature on IFNA Communications Coordinator, Adam Whitney
Lac Seul First Nation Signing On With Physicians Services
Features on IFNA Education Services and Health Services

For more on all of these highlights, check out the latest IFNA Newsletter here. For more information on IFNA and to subscribe to their mailing list to stay updated, visit the IFNA website here.